Defiance City Schools

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District News
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Suicide Hotline
"The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support to Ohioans in a mental health crisis.  Ohioans can call or text "988" to reach a trained specialist for help and support. Contact 988 Suicide & Crisis Hotline for questions about the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline."
Kindergarten Registration & Screening
If your child will be five years of age by September 30, 2025, please call the K-2 Office to register for kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year. 

When you call, we will gather basic information about your son/daughter.  In addition, a screening appointment will be made for April 8-10.  During your appointment, you will bring your child to the school with you.  Our teachers will complete several assessments (vision, hearing, motor skills, academics, speech/language and play).

An appointment confirmation will be mailed to you along with instructions to complete our online registration.  If you do not complete the online registration at home, you will have time to do it while your child is being screened. Here is the current link to our Central Registration:  Kindergarten Registration

Begin gathering the following paperwork for your visit:

  1. Official Birth Certificate
  2. Immunization Record
  3. Social Security Card (or Number)
  4. Custody Papers (if applicable)
  5. Proof of Residency (bill with your address)
NOTE:  You may still register your child and attend the screening without these documents.  However, we will need these legal documents before they can begin school in August.
Early Childhood Developmental Screenings of Northwest Ohio
Join us for a FREE screening of your little one's growth & development to ensure all young children are equipped for learning, and families are aware of resources in our schools and community.

Please click on attachments for information:

Defiance City Schools Introduces SchoolMessenger Chat for teacher to parent communication
Defiance City Schools is expanding our teacher to family communication options!
Defiance City Schools' Board of Education approves free breakfast and lunch for all students
Working with the United States Department of Agriculture, Defiance City Schools will provide free breakfast and lunch for all students for the next four years.
Defiance Elementary School Mentoring Program....
Defiance City Schools is looking for individuals interested in becoming a mentor. If you are interested please visit the Defiance Schools Elementary School page for more information.
American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER document for Defiance City Schools Continuity of Services Plan
Please visit the American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER document for Defiance City Schools Continuity of Services Plan.  DCS welcomes community feedback in regards to the ARP ESSER plan.

Defiance High School and Defiance Middle School will continue to take cash at the gate for those fans unable to utilize on-line ticketing.

Defiance City Schools Is Hiring
Defiance City Schools is hiring!!!
Hiring Information
Interested in employment?
We are looking to hire substitutes for employment!
Click the link for more information!
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